Positively Midlife Podcast
Ellen and Tish, college friends now in their 50s, take on midlife with a big dose of reality, humor, and fun. They cover diverse topics including friendships, books, experiences, adventures, stories, sex, relationships & dating, health, wellness, and BIG dreams. Each week features fabulous stories, interesting guests, and open and honest discussions about topics that are important to women in midlife. Subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen!
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Positively Midlife Podcast
Happy Birthday...The Top 6 episodes of our First Year - Ep 51
Ellen and Tish celebrate the first year of the Positively Midlife Podcast (PMP) with a countdown of the top episodes by listeners! They share the inside scoop on starting a podcast, share the top 6 episodes, and give a preview into year two of the podcast. And of course, it wouldn't be a PMP show without obsessions so they also share their top 4 obsessions of the first year of the podcast!
Tish and Ellen want to give a BIG thank you to everyone who helped support the show.
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Obsessions - please use these links to support the show!
Tish: White western boots and WOW texture spray and Color Dream Coat products
Ellen: Panda Planner and French Sea Salt
What we talk about in this episode: anniversary, Buzzsprout, top episodes, Mounjaro, Midlife Transitions, fitness, health journey, name change, Spring Cleaning, friendship, Palomas, decluttering, high growth moment, highs and lows.
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Website: www.thepositivelymidlifepodcast.com
Email: postivelymidlifepod@gmail.com
Hey, Ellen, can you believe it? We've had our podcast now for one whole year already.
Ellen Gustafson:I can't believe it. And I want today to be a big birthday party for our podcast. So I know right? What's what's really exciting and surprising to me is that we have listeners from over 40 countries, almost all 50 states across the US listening to us. So thank you to everyone out there for helping us grow.
Tish Woods:Oh, and don't forget, right before the one year birthday, we are now considered to be in the top 5% of all podcasts worldwide. So that's a big thing.
Ellen Gustafson:That's crazy. Tish.
Tish Woods:I know, isn't it though, what a nice treat that is for one year. But this week, we wanted to do a countdown, a countdown of the top six podcast episodes that we've had. And I really wanted for us to review why these six have resonated so much with our listeners. And we're going to share some follow up thoughts on that as well. Yeah,
Ellen Gustafson:and I think we're going to share some feedback to you that we've heard from listeners on these episodes, and give a shout out to some of our show supporters. But before we get to the top six countdown, you know, I want to talk about our obsessions. And for our birthday party. We've each picked two obsessions for our first year to share again, and full disclosure, I stole one of Tish's. So
Tish Woods:see, I didn't write it down soon enough. But that's okay. I know what my two are definitely going to be. So one of my first one that I'm going to talk about my favorite obsession. It is then kind of silly, kind of crazy and kind of empowering to me, but they would have to be my pair of white cowboy boots.
Ellen Gustafson:I knew that was going to be your number one because you have worn them to pretty much everything in this past year and insprational. For me, I bought some white boots, not cowboy boots, but some white boots because of you.
Tish Woods:Yeah, well, it was funny because here I am walking around at the college reunion in Washington DC not what you'd say country kind of town. With my white cowboy boots. People were looking at me like I was crazy. And I didn't care. I just felt I don't know, they just make me feel empowered.
Ellen Gustafson:Happy. I'd say they make you feel happy too.
Tish Woods:Well, my second obsession is you know how I feel about my hair. You know, I'm always fussing with it, doing it curl in it, fixing it, coloring it, but there is a whole line of products called wow. Oh, W O W right? Wow, hair color hair care products. And I'm going to tell you, every product I try from them is absolutely amazing. From the root fillers to the conditioners and shampoos to the shines. I mean, this product is out rageously good. And if you need to treat yourself to a little haircare. Wow, that's the one you want to do.
Ellen Gustafson:appropriately named. And you know what, I don't have any of the things you mentioned. But I have a little compact that fits in my purse, and it's a root touch up and I can bring that when I travel because you know my obsession with my gray hair. It's just a great thing. Just a great little touch ups so the wow I got introduced to it from the root touch up. Do you use that on your naturally blonde hair?
Tish Woods:You mean my alter alter alter blondes that like pop in under the regular blondes. I am going to start using it because sometimes I can't get to do the touch up on the ultra ultra blonde. AKA gray hair. So I'm going to try that one next because everything I've ever tried for them is amazing. Oh, you Ellen, what are your you look back? What are the ones you've heard about the most or really just enjoyed the most?
Ellen Gustafson:Well, you know, this morning before we did this episode, I got out my panda planner and I was looking through some of the things I had written over the past year and I have to say we've had the most sales of the panda planner with people going to our affiliate link on Amazon. And the most people really asked me about it. So I love my panda planner and as everyone knows, I try and knock Got read on social media in the morning, and take some time to really think about my day. But I love it. And have you tried the panda planner Tish?
Tish Woods:I have not. Because I do have a couple other planners that, again, what I like about the panda planners and other planners like that is it prompts you for certain things to set up your day for success. It prompts you about gratitude. And the one that I'm currently using, I'm not even sure there's a specific name for it. But it prompts me on what am I grateful for. And when I fill that out in morning, I'm telling you, it just changes the whole perspective of my day. So I like planners that take it just from the to do list, but also add some building. And I think the panda planner really does that in such a kind, gentle and positive way.
Ellen Gustafson:It does, and you know, there's no dates on the pages. So you can skip a few days and just keep going and going. And I love that kind of what are you grateful for? And what are you excited about? And those things, you know, some days are hard, and it's I'm really digging right for what I'm grateful for. But I love it. And a lot of people have told me they've purchased it and really enjoyed it. Now my second thing I stole from you, but since you were here, and we did it together,
Tish Woods:it was through your book club. Yes, I
Ellen Gustafson:felt like I could have dibs on the sea salt and French sea salt and French butter combination. And I cannot say the name of the sea salt, but we will have a link in it. Can you remember how to say it?
Tish Woods:No, I don't send you we're taking it over. I thought you needed to do that. Oh, you know what I love about that particular one. And I'm going to really encourage I did when we originally use it as an obsession. But I'm going to encourage people again, you know, when you go to somebody's house for dinner, a lot of times you bring a bottle of wine, it's so expected, right? This little container is so adorable. It has a nice little cork top on it could be left out because it looks so cute. I'm telling you, you want to buy the four pack. Because anytime you go to someone's house for dinner, bring some really good butter, a loaf of bread and this salt. And everyone's going to be wowed. just wowed.
Ellen Gustafson:Absolutely. And you know to full disclosure, I think we said this, you and I ate the rest of them loaf of Chibatta. I
Tish Woods:don't know what you're talking about. I am not admitting to nothing.
Ellen Gustafson:Oh, my goodness. Well, um, we will have links on our website and in the show notes to all of our obsessions. But those were really the four big ones, I think for the two of us for the year.
Tish Woods:Yeah. But yeah, you know, if you, we're going to start going back and adding more and more to our website page as well. So if you're looking for ideas for a hostess gift, or gift for somebody's birthday, or whatever, use our page as a jumping off point. And please use our link that is a great way to support us.
Ellen Gustafson:Totally. I agree. And we'll have all of those backup on the website after this episode. But you know, Tish, we have learned so much in this year, both how to host and produce a podcast, but even I feel like I've learned even more from our guests and the research we've done on midlife topics. Don't you feel like you've grown I know Hi, have I'm reaching deeper and more committed to living this great third act here of our lives.
Tish Woods:You know, I have felt that I've had so much personal growth. It's kind of like when you have to study when you're in college. And and sometimes you learn more studying for the exam. I feel like this is like studying for the exam preparing for these podcasts. So definitely, I think I've had a lot of growth. And I think many of our episodes have really focused on self improvement, overcoming challenges, learning new life skills, and well, some well needed self reflection.
Ellen Gustafson:I completely agree on that self reflection piece. And, you know, when we were younger, we had households full of kids and neighborhood kids and growing careers and so little time for self reflection or action, you know, but just like you about a year ago, I'm staring at that empty nest here in just a few months.
Tish Woods:Well, let me ask you this Ellen since doing this podcast, because a lot of that, you know, well what we've talked about is focused on that. Do you feel you're more prepared for the empty nest?
Ellen Gustafson:You know, I do I mean, reflecting on doing this episode, I thought of you last year with Liam, your youngest of four going off to college. And there's a little bit of fear, you know, I have to say, but I do feel so much more prepared than I would have otherwise. We have talked about planning for this and going back and, and really thinking about what we used to love before we were busy moms before we were wives before, you know, parents and grandparents and all of those things kind of overtook our lives for many, many years. And I'd have to say, if I wasn't doing this podcast, I'd be a lot more afraid.
Tish Woods:So I like that. I like that. And then I hope, I hope there's other midlife women out there that are using the podcast in that same way.
Ellen Gustafson:I hope so too. And we'd love to hear from you if you are on our socials or on our website. So let's get to it though. Tish. Let's get to this week's meat here on the show. How about some podcasts Hadley reflection Tish, what was the sixth runner up for the biggest podcast of the year for positively midlife?
Tish Woods:So our number six most popular episode was actually episode number four, becoming an artist with Ellen Howard. And this one held the top spot for 28 more episodes. So that was a very long time.
Ellen Gustafson:That was in I love this episode about how our dear friend created in an absolute dream career that she always wanted. And she did this in midlife. I love that she shared how much work it's been to you.
Tish Woods:Yes, you know, this one really speaks to my heart, not only because Ellen has been such a great supporter and has given us such amazing feedback for what we're doing. But also that it's it's such an amazing story of following your passion, building the career that you want. And it doesn't matter what point of life you do that, you know, just because we're at midlife doesn't mean we missed our opportunity. So taking that risky steps into the unknown. So that's why I like Ellen's episode.
Ellen Gustafson:Yeah, me too on that second that there. But if you haven't listened to the episode yet, go back and take the time. As we said, It's episode number four. And I believe so many of us have hidden creative sides and want to do things like be professional artists, and Ellen shares just the whole journey, the ups, the downs, her strategies, where she's been successful. And I've loved watching her career takeoff. I think one of the things I walked away with is just her dedication. And I was so impressed with her monthly newsletter that she writes on a topic around creativity. It's not just all about being an artist. And it's wonderful, even if you're not pursuing an art career. So we'll put a link to that too.
Tish Woods:I love that. So Ellen, what is our number five most listened to episode?
Ellen Gustafson:That would be episode number 41. Big life transitions with Brendon Maslin and this one is so dear to my heart, because Brandon is not only a dear friend, but he was a coach for me at the last company I was at. And he's also an inspirational speaker. And he's been podcast host of get yourself that job for many years with a colleague of his as well.
Tish Woods:You know, this one was really about reframing, right? How we look at things and how we really look at the four biggest midlife transitions. This episode can really turned around your whole life. And that's some of the feedback that we heard from people like it was the most impactful episode that they've heard us do that it changed their lives. So never has an attitude been more important than during these four big midlife transition times.
Ellen Gustafson:You're right Tish and you know Brandon helps us unpack those times, and really see them in a way that the experience helps you move forward. And I loved that about it.
Tish Woods:You know, really countless friends have told me that this was their personal favorite episode and that they've called it, you know, basically life changing. So, for me, when we did this one, it was really a message about taking the reigns of how we emotionally deal with life changing events. And if you haven't listened to this one yet, and you are struggling with any big life changes, you know, just life stuff. This is one that you Need to listen to immediately.
Ellen Gustafson:I agree. And we got so much feedback about our guest about Brandon, just about the information, but the attitude that he had about life and really has a Joie de vivre . And I know our friend Kristen, from from Vermont called to say that this episode spoke to her. And we had many people ask for Brandon's contact details. Because I think a lot of people really wanted to work with him. And to me the idea of re reframing situations with that growth mindset, that this is a growth opportunity, it's an opportunity to become better. It might not be easy, you know, but you need those difficult times to help propel you. It's really crucial for us at mid life. Wouldn't you agree? Tish?
Tish Woods:Oh, absolutely. And Brandon just has the way of being so raw and vulnerable and real. You're just going to love him. If you haven't listened to this one. It must be it's your must do next one. So Ellen, can you take a guess on what you think the number four most popular episode was?
Ellen Gustafson:Well, tell me it's our personal favorite butterfly moment. That's where I think we're going but this,
Tish Woods:you know, it is now butterfly moment was our very first episode. So this is episode number one, you know, and man, we're we agree when I go back and listen to this, I'm like, ouch, you know, in a lot of ways, but it also shows me we've come a long way on quality and content.
Ellen Gustafson:It's hard for me to listen to episodes, I have to say, it's it's cringe worthy. But you know, you're right, we have come a long way. And thanks to our kids, our family, our friends, you know, our Trinity tribe that all tuned in when we started and made it through those first five, six or seven episodes, where we had such a steep learning curve. But I couldn't agree with you more that the essence of our podcast, what it's all about, is the butterfly moment.
Tish Woods:You know, it's it's so funny to because we had some harsh feedback on those first episodes, right? And it pushed us to grow. We knew it was going to be a rough start, you know, we followed some experts advice. And sometimes it was like, ouch, it was hard. But we knew we knew and we believe we were going in the right direction. And the whole idea of the podcast is about this awakening, this rebirth at midlife that we need to keep changing into something new and beautiful. Butterfly,
Ellen Gustafson:the butterfly. That's right kind of The Awakening and the coming out of the cocoon. And, you know, we are so anti that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, like puppy new tricks, right, as old dogs are rewritten. We're reframed, we're re energized. And it is all what what it is to have that vibrant midlife. So I love the butterfly moment.
Tish Woods:Yeah, and to me, it's about empowering, empowering ourselves, the women around us to emerge into this beautiful butterfly that we are meant to be. In also, for me the first episode, butterfly moment, as rough and unpolished, as it may sound to us now shows me where we started.
Ellen Gustafson:agreed and that we believe the experts that you're going to sound like shit. Unless you are, you know, a professional actor or celebrity, right, and that you just have to keep doing it. And you have to listen and learn and you get better and better by doing. And we know that we really were tempted to keep doing and redoing those first three or four episodes, but instead we just put them out there and saw where it went.
Tish Woods:You know, maybe we knew that Brandon Maslin was going to come and talk to us. So I'm going to say to myself, I am proud, even of the quality of the butterfly moment, you know, we were completely unprepared for what we were walking into. But yet we did it anyway, we bravely went in this and as you know, the more recent episodes, I can see so much of our growth and it reminds me where we came from and you know what I can be proud of that. I want everyone to be proud What they do, even when they're not perfect,
Ellen Gustafson:agree, truth, their truth. And you know, it's the journey, not the destination in life. And speaking of the journey, let's journey over two or three episode. Tish, did you know that half of the top six were with guest appearance? appearances? Like we had great guests and half were just with us. So what do you think took that number three spot.
Tish Woods:I'm going to say that it was my little sister from Trinity College, Lois Spence. And I'm gonna guess it was number 32 recreating a career in midlife that combines mental and physical health.
Ellen Gustafson:Ding, ding, ding. And we love Lois, her energy, her bravery, her daring, at 51 years old to go back and get a degree in psychotherapy, her commitment to doing something she loved, even when she was afraid, and was at a point with a divorce and three children. And we can relate to that feeling of how she felt when she started, and how far it's come full circle.
Tish Woods:You know, again, another really episode where she really left herself open and vulnerable. Right? And isn't that interesting that she talks about how much self doubt that she had during that period and stuff? And now what is she doing? She's empowering others. And the notion of how physical activity can aid in emotional work, right, is just really amazing to me. And when I tell people about when I talk to them about that particular episode, they are always amazed afterwards, that why aren't more therapists using this type of technique, technique. And as part of their therapy, I
Ellen Gustafson:agree. And I really love that she's does a lot of work with young athletes, and maybe female athletes. And she puts that together the idea of Fitness, Sports and mental health, which I think is so needed for young people. Today, I have to just share a quick story. I was at the gym the other day with a friend. And I actually got a picture of Lois out and said this is a friend of mine and she's so inspirational that she has taught me a lot about really taking care of myself and how great working out can be. And shit Lois lowest shared something on on Instagram last week, which was don't get up and have your cup of coffee and maybe get sit down, which is something I do. But get up, go work out whether it's getting outside, going to the gym, going to a class, use your coffee as a treat after your workout. And it it really spoke to me because I can get the cup of coffee and then never get to the workout if I sit down and start you know, getting distracted. So here's to Lois, a lot of great information and super inspirational.
Tish Woods:Yeah, Lois is just near and dear to my heart again, you know, she was my little sister at Trinity. But when I started my health journey, like about three years ago, Lois was and again I look up to her is probably one of the most physically fit women I know. She reached out to me to send me words of encouragement, I had spoken to her in a wow, like 30 years more than 30 years. So that you took the time out that she cared, she inspired, she offered her assistance, anything she could do. She's just an amazing person. If you need some motivation, this is the episode that you need to listen to. I'm truly and again, I think time and time again, we see the power of vulnerability and how it transforms everything. It opens connections between people. It opens one's mind. And I think that's what you know, her whole episode is about is that opening she she can she get you to that point? through physical fitness. It's amazing to me, it's just amazing.
Ellen Gustafson:Yes, I think a lot of people who have heard her story and if some of our listeners haven't, please listen. It is very, very motivational. Okay, I have to admit though, the number one and two spots were never ones I would thought would be the most popular. So in Miss America stuff I am the first runner up is episode number 40. Spring Clean your life. And this is so surprising, because it's just an episode with the two of us sharing what we like to do when we get ready for spring, which is our favorite season because we both have birthdays in the spring. So it's also birthday season. But in my humble opinion here, this episode was not not just about spring cleaning. It was a metaphor for spring cleaning your life, right? Tish? Yes.
Tish Woods:Oh, absolutely. And to be honest, though, this doesn't this does. And it doesn't surprise me. So I'm always wanting to spring clean and purge, whether it's my closets, my kitchen, my junk drawer, you name it, right? I let I'm one of those people that lets my life get cluttered sometimes. And then I need to take stock and sort things out. When my mind is cluttered. I have noticed there's a correlation between my space getting very cluttered too. And so when I noticed this, I know it's time to start getting down to the root causes. And when I start to physically clean, and sort things out at my home, my mind starts to clear. So this episode truly speaks to me.
Ellen Gustafson:I agree. I remember, I think you were like this back in college. If we had a big test or a big project, we'd have to clean our dorm room first.
Tish Woods:Right, right,
Ellen Gustafson:which is studying later in later into the evening. But you know, Spring Clean Your life is just one of those episodes, you can listen to every three or four months to motivate you Yes, to kind of clean out and clean up multiple areas of your life.
Tish Woods:Yeah, maybe our listeners should set a reminder for themselves, like every six months to listen to this one again, to motivate you write and it's really if you listen to it, it's going to motivate you. So for me, like, I know I do this is crazy. It's gonna sound so silly. But when I want to start purging, right, I start watching this series called hoarders, right? And the environment, it really speaks to how when people go through a lot of emotional stuff. That's the part that fascinates me. When they go through emotional trauma. Their whole environment becomes cluttered, because it's what's happening emotionally for them. Right. And there's a true correlation. So your environment reflects your mind. This is so true for me.
Ellen Gustafson:You know, I agree. And one of the things I took away from Spring Clean your life. Were those two delicious drink recipes. Offering time so let's not forget, folks, if you haven't listened to spring, clean your life. There's something for everybody in that episode, right? Tish.
Tish Woods:I love that. Yes, it's certainly as Okay, so the number one spot wasn't even a close call. So I'm going to like have our listeners think back, think back to 1973. The Belmont Stakes all over again. It's June 9 1973. Facing a field of five thoroughbred horses Secretariat wins the race by 31 lengths, the largest mount margin in all the victory of the Belmont history of their horse racing.
Ellen Gustafson:Wow. I'm sure my mother had a bet placed on that. I really wonder if she did by my bed? She did. I bet she did. You know what a victory and the victory for our most listened to episode is very similar to Secretariat. It's episode 39 Mounjaro. Is it really the game changer of weight loss?
Tish Woods:Well, I knew this would be a big episode. I had no idea that it would be as big as it was right? Yeah, with more than four times the listeners heard that episode than our number two spot. So Manjaro is our Secretariat for sure. I believe the reason that people listen, and so many people I think share this episode with their friends and family is that Mounjaro is rocking the weight loss world. I know it rocked my world. So if you've ever really wanted to lose weight, and without all the feelings of being in total deprivation And then this is the episode that you need to go back to number 39.
Ellen Gustafson:Well, Tish, I know you didn't mention this, but I think part of the success of that episode is that you were vulnerable, and you've been vulnerable about your weight loss journey. And your struggles since we started the podcast and your story is, is simply inspirational. So I think the popularity of this one though, totally surprised me. We talked about doing this episode for several months. And I was like, yeah, maybe maybe. Okay, right. But it really spoke to people all around the world. You know, we've had our global reach expanded so much from this episode alone. And really, what it says to me is that weight loss is a huge topic. It's a it's really a universal topic for women at midlife, and many people really are seeking new solutions, just like you did.
Tish Woods:Yes. For me, you know, this has been a year of a lot of highs and lows personally, you know, as well, but I'm gonna say that particular episode. Really, I spoke about a lot of my challenges a lot of my transformation, kind of what I put into it. I'm never I've never been one of these people that says, oh, yeah, it was so easy for me to lose weight. Losing weight, for me, has always been a major life battle. And for the first time in my life, I feel like I have control. And if you've ever felt out of control, because your weight, please listen to Mounjaro episode, or if you know, a friend who's like, battled weight for a long time, have them listened to the Mounjaro episode. Because, you know, I think a lot of people throw that term life changer, Game Changer out there. I'm telling you, without a doubt, this is a game changer.
Ellen Gustafson:I agreed. You know, I think we've both had a year. And we've had a lot of highs and a lot of lows. But overall, you know, for the podcast, it's really been a good one. I mean, we wouldn't know if we were at the top of the mountain if there hadn't been big f-ing, Valley?
Tish Woods:Absolutely.
Ellen Gustafson:I think some of our lows came with our name change. But through it all. We had such a great group of friends and supporters and listeners really cheering us on. And you and I cheering each other on. Right?
Tish Woods:Absolutely. You know, there were times you know, I think there's times where everyone when they start something, there's low times you're going to have those low times. And I couldn't ask for a better partner in this than you Ellen. Because when I was feeling down, you pulled me up. When when you were feeling down. I hope I was there for you as well.
Ellen Gustafson:Absolutely. I think we have such a great partnership. Truly Tish. And you know what else I want to say a big thanks to all our guests we didn't mention today. We had a number of great guests, and we're gonna post links to all of their websites, in today's show show notes.
Tish Woods:Right. And I have two really big thank yous. Okay. One is to Laura Henrich for helping us rename the podcast during that dark days of December, when we just didn't know what we were going to do. Yeah, like we we we needed something that was simple. was, you know, something that we could use? That was easy to remember and available? And avail. Yes. And Laura just helped pluck that out for us. So big love out to Laura for that. And to another good friend of yours from out in California. Pookie Foster, who key gives us sometimes some of the hardest feedback we hear, right? But it's always honest. And it's raw and it's real. And to be honest, some things we've taken and changed and some things we haven't. But you know, I heard from one of my favorite bosses that I ever worked for. Her name was Coco. And she always said feedback is a gift. Accept the gift, or don't accept the gift, but it is a gift. So Pookie Foster, thank you for that gift.
Ellen Gustafson:That's right. And Laura Heinrich, thank you so much for helping us renamed the podcast. You are a chief marketing officer extraordinaire, honestly. So, you know, one of the things were these bare bones budget meetings, the labor Stop this super early West Coast mornings and the super late East Coast times for you on some of these recordings. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
Tish Woods:when did when did we get a budget?
Ellen Gustafson:Well, we may have done this on a shoestring. But we had a dream. And that dream was to inspire other women, that midlife can be amazing and to, to take the opportunity to make it the best time of their lives,
Tish Woods:you know, of inspiring woman, women to find their tribe. And if you if you don't have one of those tribes yet, please come and join us, we'll be your tribe.
Ellen Gustafson:Absolutely. And we want to continue to share and inform, inspire, and your support means everything to us. And you can show your support by sharing episodes you like with your friends and family. It's really such a great organic word of mouth thing.
Tish Woods:Absolutely. And continuing to give us your feedback. It's, it's essential for us, even if it's hard to hear, please give us your feedback, right? We may take a we may not you know, it's that gift thing. But in addition, if you like what you hear, you know, think about supporting the program through Patreon.
Ellen Gustafson:Yes, absolutely. And I'd like to thank Danielle Lois, Ellen, Kathy, Kimberly, Ana, Jennifer, and all of our listeners that have supported us as Patreon patrons on Patreon. And also, you know, our obsessions are another great way you can support the podcast, we have affiliate links, and when you use those you support the show.
Tish Woods:Remember, if you don't use the link, it doesn't support us. Now, does using the link cost you more? Absolutely not. It's not the it's it's the end product. They're going to send us our thank you for for, you know, putting their product out there. So please, please, please remember to use those links.
Ellen Gustafson:That's right. And we are so excited to share a little bit of what's next for the podcast. More stories of amazing women at midlife who are living their best lives. More authors on topics we know you'll find inspiring and interesting. We're bringing some financial health and sex experts on the show. They're going to be coming your way to as well as some things around menopause and our bodies. We're taking the show to the next level tish are in year two.
Tish Woods:I am so excited for our second year, and there is no one that I'd rather be doing this podcast with. Then till next week, Mid-lifers we're going to be back next week. Have a great one. Take care